Legal Culture ...Crimes

Legal Culture ...Crimes

It is stipulated in Article (26) of the Federal Penal Code. The crimes are divided into:

- Border crimes

- Crimes of retribution and parents.

- Offensive offenses.

Al-Qa'ida states that the crimes of borders, qusas and diyyah are governed by the provisions of the Islamic Shari'a, whereas the crimes and the sanctions are subject to the provisions of the UAE Federal Penal Code and other penal laws.

Types of offenses in terms of punishment:

Article 30.29.28 of the UAE Federal Penal Code states that the types of crimes in view of the penalties provided for each of them are as follows:

- Crimes are offenses punishable by one of the following penalties. Any punishment from the limits of punishment and punishment except for drinking and defamation.

- Death or life or temporary imprisonment.

Misdemeanors: - A crime punishable by one or more of the following penalties.
- Imprisonment or fine exceeding AED 1,000 and parents.

Offenses: - Any act or omission shall be punished by the following two penalties or by one of them.

- The reservation must be at least twenty-four hours and not more than 10 days.

-  A fine not exceeding one thousand dirham.